Monday 1 December 2008

OMG I'm blogging....

Wow.....this is exciting! I've been persuaded by my great friend to give this a go......thanks Janey....I think! I will direct Hubby to you when he starts complaining about the time I'm spending on here.
I'm not sure what to tell the world at large, don't want to bore the pants off you all so early in my blogging career...... I'm Lizzie, 46- at least thats what the year of my birth would have me believe- fortunately I still feel about 22 so thats where I'm staying! I'm married to S, and have 2 sons, M and J. We reside in Hertfordshire, England, where at the moment the temperature is dropping like a stone....brrrrr! In a former life (B.C. - before children), I was a Theatre Stage Manager. But now exercise my limitless patience in the classrooms of a local high school.

I have recently re-discovered a passion for dance again.....tap and line dancing currently take up 2 of my evenings, and many snatched hours in the kitchen!
"Mum! WHAT are you doing in there??".
And its that which brings me onto my thought for today.....

There I was yesterday happily dancing in my kitchen, with my i-pod on, not bothering anyone..... or so I thought! Hubby yells from the sofa,
"Will you just stop that! It's wierd!"
Now I ask you, why do other peoples "things" always seem a bit wierd.........
Cant even go into the things that S,M and J do that I think are wierd, there are far too many to list here. I will save them for another day.

I'm off now to "Tap my troubles away!"


JaneyV said...

I don't think you're tappity tapping is weird. I think you're very cool and talented ackshully!

I'm so excited you're blogging! YEAY!

I'm still bummed about Twilight but we shall have to catch up with pints of tea instead!

Can't wait.


(the word verification is 'suing' - I'd better watch my p's and q's!

JaneyV said...

That masculine silhouette is scary - you need an avatar. I'm thinking something Disneyesque - how about the animated Giselle?